Thursday, February 6, 2014

Our grateful board

Today I am grateful for my kids and their enthusiasm for life.

Today we repurposed a bulletin board that was hanging up in our hallway. This board had coupons that expired over a year ago, random old papers, drawings from when "J" was 7.  So we decided to make it into our grateful board.  I have been loving this grateful project. Even when I have had a terrible day or feel really down, as I reflect on my day to the things I am grateful for it lifts my spirits. I thought it would be great to get the whole family in on the project.  As soon as the kids realized what I was doing they couldn't stop writing things down. I eventually had to make them put their pencils/pens down and get back to their schoolwork.   I took a few pictures of the things they were grateful for just to share. I love my kids hearts.

This one was Rhinos. It is hard to read because he wrote his G backwards but it says "Our God"

Sweet pea loves school. I think she is probably the only kid who would put this on the grateful board. Haha. 

There you have it our new family project.  The kiddies can hardly wait to fill daddy in on it when he gets home for lunch.

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